To sing is to pray twice. -St. Augustine
Music and congregational singing is at the core of worship at GA. Our services highlight the rich musical heritage of the Lutheran Church, with liturgy, traditional and modern hymns, and contemporary worship songs led from one of our Steinway grand pianos or our 4 manual, 38 rank Möller pipe organ. At the same time, we honor the ever-changing world by increasing our global perspective and representation in music selection, instrumentation, and execution. Whether you are a solo singer, ensemble singer, or instrumentalist, there is a way for you to get involved at GA. For more information, contact Andrew Parr, Director of Worship and Music, at andrewp@gachurch.org
Chancel Choir: Adults and High School Youth
The Chancel Choir sings at our 9:00 AM worship service in the sanctuary, Labor Day through Memorial Day (we do have a pickup choir on select summer dates). Anthems are accompanied by piano or organ and may include selections from the standard canon of repertoire, modern hymn arrangements, recently published choral works, or other genres. The ability to read music is helpful but not required.
New Life Band: Adults
The New Life Band sings and plays at our 11:15 AM worship service in Luther Hall, every other week in the summer months at our 10:00 am worship service. Music selections come from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, contemporary Christian music, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, With One Voice, and global music liturgy. The ensemble consists of a piano, acoustic guitar, electric bass, percussion, and vocalists. The ensemble would welcome other instrumentation as well. If you play any of the previously mentioned instruments, sing, or simply have a desire to be part of this ensemble, let us know!
Handbells: Adults and Youth
Our handbell ensemble provides a unique way to create music in a collaborative environment. Ringers are responsible for playing two or more bells, and work together to bring a piece of music to life. Our ringers play in both our Traditional and New Life worship services. If you can count to 4 and can hold a bell, we want to hear from you!
Special Music:
Children's Music: Elementary Youth
Music for children is integrated into Sunday mornings at GA, in conjunction with Sunday School offerings. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, singing choral anthems, singing songs and carols of faith, and playing tone chimes. Worship leadership opportunities are available for children as well.
Solo Music: Adults and Youth
Opportunities for vocal or instrumental soloists are available in the forms of cantoring at the Traditional worship service, singing an offertory solo at the Traditional or New Life worship services, or playing an instrument as a form of special music at the Traditional or New Life worship services. The possibilities are endless. Our congregation loves to experience variety in music!